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Lourdes Academy Student Highlights
Xavier High School Student Highlights
This wonderful opportunity to spend a year abroad is fueled by a deep discerning, time in prayer, and personal courage to step up, become a Servant Leader, and help in creating the Civilization of Love. Each carefully selected student will be able to study in a state of Minnesota, Nebraska, or Wisconsin American Catholic High School, become a part of an American family, participate on the life of Global Outreach Organization, and help to make the world a better place.
Host families are critical to the American experience of our Global Outreach students.
Host families open the door of their heart and the door of their home to the Global Outreach Students. Through their generosity of time, talents, and treasures, the potential for growth has no boundaries when exchange students live with host families. The student’s self-image and aspirations, commitments to ideas and values, and attachments to people grows. Students experience self-awareness, self-reliance, self-discipline, empathy, improved decision-making skills, and the development of Christian leadership skills. Through personal involvement in volunteer and service experiences, students grow in their understanding of the importance of volunteerism in a democracy as well as in their understanding of the concept of servant leadership, i.e., the leader is first the servant and then the one who inspires others to serve.
In addition to learning about another culture through your exchange student, family members will develop a wider interest in our world and its many cultures and appreciate their freedom and faith more deeply.
The Global Outreach Staff and the Board of Directors welcomes and appreciates the support of our volunteers and friends of the program. We are extremely grateful for your continued prayerful discernment of giving through your generous sharing of your time, talents, and treasures that God has gifted and blessed you with.